Celebrating Black History Month – February 11, 2023

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February 11 · 1:00 pm
Grant County History Museum
135 E. Maple St
Lancaster, WI 53813

This February the Grant County History Museum will be featuring as their speaker Lancaster’s very own Maury McLean, his topic will be about the community of Pleasant Ridge, Wisconsin’s first integrated settlement, Maury will be sharing memories about the his growing up in the community.  Pleasant Ridge, an 1850’s community of freed African-Americans, is located just a few miles west of Lancaster off of Slabtown Rd., it was a 1959 the last of their community died leaving a legacy the Grant County Historical Society is proud to remember.

Maury will be sharing his Pleasant Ridge Memories with us on February 11, 2023 (with snow date of February 25) starting at 1:00 pm.  This event will be held at the Grant County History Mesuem located at 135 E. Maple St, Lancaster, Wi. 53813.  Everyone is welcome to attend, check our event post if you plan to join us.


Event Details:

Grant County History Museum
135 E. Maple St
Lancaster, WI 53813
Saturday, February 11
1:00 pm