Join us from 1:00-4:00 pm on Saturday September 12, 2020 at the Mitchell-Rountree Stone Cottage at the corner of Madison and Lancaster Sts. in Platteville. (Rain Date: Sunday September 13, 2020)
Come celebrate Laura Rountree’s birthday with Grant County Historical Society. Laura (1870-1966) was the grand-daughter of Reverend Samuel Mitchell who commissioned the building of the Mitchell-Rountree Stone Cottage in 1837. Laura, artist and musician, lived with her parents and then alone in the Cottage all of her 95+ years. She bequeathed the Cottage, the 2.5 acres on which it sits, and all the articles in the house to the Society upon her passing.
The celebration will include birthday cake, beverages, and tours of the Cottage. There will be a special exhibit of Laura’s small artworks. Tours are $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children. This is the last time this season the home will be open to the public. Groups may make a reservation for special tour dates throughout the year by calling the Society at 608 723-4925.
Please help us to preserve the cottage building and grounds and catalog and preserve the items within by generously making a donation to the Cottage fund. Donations can be made in cash, by check or on-line at